Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tool #11

1.  My favorite tools are:  Google Docs for sharing resources with teachers and other instructional coaches; Animoto to inspire my students to share their learning, and creating this blog.  It is a wonderful way to connect with other educators. 
I'm going to use Animoto with my students at the beginning of the year so they can "introduce" themselves to the rest of the class.  I think that it will be a great way for them to share with the rest of the class their family and those things that are important to them.  Building community in the classroom is so important in order for students to want to take risks in the classroom. 
2.  I realized that technology should enhance the learning that is taking place.  There are many tools and "options" that we can choose from.  It is important that the tool doesn't become the focus, rather the learning.  My vision for the classroom has just been enhanced by the things that I have learned in this course.  My focus is always student achievement and finding the right tools to ensure the success of every student. 
The only changes that I'm going to make are those that relate to the management of the technology devices.  I think that it is going to be important to have systems in place so that students know what the expectations are.
3.  I was surprised that it was easier than I thought to learn the tools.  I was very anxious about setting up a blog because I had never done that before.  I'm very grateful for this expereince and I can't wait to use what I've learned with the students and teachers at my campus. 

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